January 30, 2009

The Book With No Name. Again

It took about three shooting-sessions in the forest & in the tent, 6 hours of cutting, putting the pieces togethere, laughing, with me learning new words in German (highlits of the night: Spannung and Ubergang), lots of smoking as my voice, recorded, is really high-pitched (it may be high-pitched by default, except that I don't hear it when I speak), in the meantime Maxi was running out of time as she is way more perfectionist than I am and she also had a train to catch, but in the end we did it.
So here it is, without any further comments.

The Book With No Name.

p.s. I used to read this blog (Letters to Marc Jacobs), until this lady got bored with waiting for an answer from Marc Jacobs. I'm actually considering, due to the amount of information on / related to The Book With No Name, starting a new blog, Letters to Anonymous, and move the entire obsession there, especially as I did get some feedback by now :) That would bring me one step closer to acting like a mad groupie (I do have all the symptoms, by now).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More like this, please - wunderbar!