January 25, 2009


My incapacity of saying "no" has brought me enough trouble over the years (and quite a few very pleasant surprises, but that's not the point right now). The biggest problem is time management. I overload myself with work, and then wonder why I never have time.
Since I'm probably my biggest fan, I could not conceive blaming everything on me, so it's got to be somebody else's fault. Time-eaters. They're the ones truly responsible for the messy life I lead, for the lack of sleep, for the deadlines I rarely respect. I was tempted to blame the tent for the 4 precious hours spent selling beer, instead of writing / translating / learning. Luckily, I know myself a little better than that. The real time-eater is the Internet. And my addiction, which I've mentioned a few months ago. If I had some minimal discipline, I'd gain a few hours daily. So my New Year's resolution (I didn't have one on New Year's Eve, so that means it still counts) is to stop hitting F5 every hour to see if there's anything new on the blogs that I follow, to read the news once a day, instead of ten, to spend more time offline, to stop taking South-Park breaks (this is indeed a challenge) and to use only the English-Romanian dictionary when in need of a word for the translation (that means stop wondering what are the Polish/French/Spanish equivalents of that word, the etymology, possible other meanings in slang and so on).
Let's see if it works, and how much time I need to forget all about this resolution.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you can do it, you just need some scaffolding:
1. Drink unthinkable amounts of coffee
2. Avoid the tent's negative 10%
3. Hit F5 every 1.5 hours instead of every hour

Bon chance!

Ruxandra said...

I may have told you before that you have this special gift of knowing what to say & when to say it. Will try to follow your advice, and see what happens next :)

Anonymous said...

Stop trying.:))

Ruxandra said...

... and then what?