May 31, 2009

Growing older is not that bad, after all

It was the first time I was away from my friends & my family for my birthday. In a manner of speaking, because I spent it with my Kato friends, who are also my sort of family here. There could be only one place for the party: my second home, the tent.
As I'm always late, yesterday was no exception, and so in an effort to make it almost on time, I had to ignore the part where I'm tidy and organized:

And even though I had a day off from work, I still spent parts of the evening behind the bar. Jacek was in charge of the beers, I was doing my best to get the perfect Cosmo:

The ladies:

It so happened that someone else was throwing a party at the amphitheatre in the woods, so we had to check it out. The concert was rather boring, but the walk in the woods wearing high heels was quite adventurous. This was how we managed to spill most of our third Cosmo on our dresses and bags, but it was worth every drop.

I was very impressed by the crowd that showed up for my B-Day in the woods. Zuza and Titior were impressed by the music. Tomek and I were not very much into the concert, then again we have bigger fish to fry (Dropkick Murphys on the 12th of July).


Back in the tent, Smakol asked Ina and me if we could be his sisters. It was an offer we couldn't refuse :)

Later that night, Magda and Przemek decided I was ready for the big initiation. Back in winter, they told me I can't leave Poland without drinking cheap wine in the park. This was the perfect opportunity. And so we headed to the playground, which Magda enjoyed to the fullest before the wine part (after the wine part, things got just a little bit blurry.

Even though I didn't make it to the seaside, I still had sand in my shoes. And in my hands. And on my jeans. Almost as if we had been drinking on the beach, not in the woods near the tent. We did have a little technical problem while trying to open the bottle, but nothing serious, nothing a few good old tricks couldn't fix.

And in the end, there were the fireworks:


Ina said...

What a day, what a night ! 8->

Ruxandra said...

We'll have to do it again sometime :) soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! A fellow Gemini - that explains a lot ;)

It's my birthday today - they give birth astride a grave, light gleams an instant, then it's night once more. So, let's partay and enjoy the gleam...

Ruxandra said...

Sto lat, sto lat & happy birthday! I like to think it's more than just a gleam, maybe we're the kind of people who burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars... Could it be? :)