February 9, 2009


It's here! My special signed copy. I have to keep it secret, keep it safe, or the Bourbon Kid will track me down. I may have understood something, everything, or nothing. One thing's sure:
"And all the while as you search for the truth, it will be there right before you".

The book and the postcard that came with it helped deepen my confusion, I'm now even more intrigued and pondering over the decision of continuing my quest or giving it up. I have all the reasons to go for option number 1, and only one to choose number 2 and stop where I am: my fictional life is rich enough as it is, if I add more ingredients to it, than I can stop calling it a fictional life and start using the medical term. On the other hand, somebody who understands the story very well and encourages me to walk on, made a very good point:
: what if i go insane?

him: what if u r already?
Touche, my friend, touche!


Anonymous said...

The blues player Rober Johnson is reputed to have sold his soul at the crossroads to become a famous blues player. What does it mean?

Ruxandra said...

That he was lucky enough to have been given the chance and determined enough to have taken it, I guess...

Anonymous said...

I suppose one advantage of staying at the crossroads is that you are able to see what's coming from all directions.

Is that the Bourbon Kid? Can't be...