April 22, 2010

Lights, camera, action

A while back I wrote a story about obsessions pushed to the limit.
Some of the people who read it told me it was very good.
Others, like a dear friend of mine who is one of the best editors I've ever known, told me how I could make it even better. So I kept writing and rewriting.
Then a movie director asked me if I was interested in turning my story into a script. Huh? Script? Who, me? You mean the story? Well, I wouldn't know how...uhhh...I don't write scripts...so... errrr... ummm... no?!
Luckily, she was patient enough to explain things in the tiniest detail, so I finally understood I wasn't supposed to actually write the script all by myself, but rather to come up with a first draft which will then fall into the hands of professional script writers, with whom I'll be working closely for the upcoming months.
And so I wrote it.
And she liked it.
It still feels a bit surreal.


Anonymous said...

life IS surreal - enjoy the moment, you deserve it!

Ruxandra said...

thank you, it is quite enjoyable, though probably not the best thing for my imbalanced brain :)

Alexandra said...

si cu ce scenaristii profesionisti lucrezi? nu de alta, da' pe la noi pe-acasa nu prea sunt :)))
anyway, bravo. al meu a ramas la stadiu de first draft si cred ca acolo va ramane :)

Ruxandra said...

cred (sper) ca esti un pic prea critica :)) sau nu?! si cam pesimista apropo de scenariul tau. ar fi pacat sa nu treaca la stadiul urmator.

Alexandra said...

nu, nu sunt prea critica, chiar nu avem :))) anyway, good luck cu el ;)