May 13, 2010

Memory loss

Being so far away from most of my friends is definitely one of the downsides of my expat experience. The fact that they're not all in one place only makes things more complicated, I'd have to quit my job just to have enough time to travel and visit them. Since this is not an option, or at least not yet, we have to rely on the internet / phones to stay updated and sometimes it can become really frustrating.
Then again, some other times it's a good thing to know they're all over Europe, especially as lately I seem to have been hit by amnesia or temporary insanity or both, which led to some serious errors of judgment.
I've been dreaming about my forthcoming trip to Portugal since March, when I started learning Portuguese. I payed special attention to planning this trip, I have the maps, the guides, the words, the books and the friends to make it a perfect vacation. Just how the hell did I manage to book my flights the way I did is still an unsolved mystery. I only discovered it a few days ago and ever since I kept checking my calendars, planners, post-its and diary trying to find out why, on the way back, I'm flying from Porto to London at 6 a.m. and then from London to Warsaw at 9 p.m. First I thought there were no other options, but I checked and double-checked and there were lots of other flights to choose from, way more convenient .
In the end, still without the slightest idea about this flaw in my perfect plan, I called my London-based friends and made plans for the day.
I just hope I won't remember what was it that I was planning to do after I'm back in Warsaw.


chuckie said...

yup, sound like you. however, london is a truly gorgeous place to spend (a whole lot more than) a day.

when do we get to see the tattoo?

Ruxandra said...

oh I bet it is, it's not London I'm worried about, it's me and my amnesia :)
pics coming soon.