March 20, 2009

Enjoy it while it lasts

I'm talking of course about this morning's mood.
I woke up and figured out there's nothing urgent on my agenda. None of the "to do" lists screams NOW! So that means I can slowly start focusing on my major tasks, one at a time, without any rush or panic.
The weird part is that nothing's changed, compared to last week, which was also chill, without anything of pressing importance. However, instead of feeling light and energetic, I was one step away from being depressed again. So I think it's about time I stopped questioning my brain and its mysterious ways and just go with the flow.
So I'm hanging out in my room enjoying this feeling I have't had for quite some time now. I could of course go out and do some shopping, but I have the very basics (i.e. coffee and cigarettes) so food can wait, I could take a trip to the first ATM because for the past two days I've had no cash, but then again if I can use my card why carry money with me? I could do some homework, but most of it is already done (anyway, school has been so wonderful lately, that I'm considering some extra-tasks). As I started working in shifts in the tent, I have some nights off during the week, and tonight is one of them. I could go to a party with the Erasmus students, maybe it's a good idea to meet at least this semester's group, as I had no connection with last semester's group. Or I could just go to the tent, like a normal, regular customer. Or to the center, to the Irish Pub which is actually the one place in Kato which I like as much as the tent. Speaking of that, I would've liked to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in the tent (yeah, I'm a sucker for Ireland), in terms of organizing some party but then again Tomek was the only one to positively respond to this idea, so he provided the music for the night and so I had a fictional party in my head.
Yesterday I started translating The Eye of the Moon. This is probably the best explanation for my mood shift.


Anonymous said...

Go to the Erasmus do, and to the tent and to the Irish pub - be all things to all people and everything to yourself. Great to see you back, gbg :-)

Ruxandra said...

Ended up in Mikołów, after all. Which is a very nice city, I might add, and I'm very happy things happened that way. I'm doing a research on ugly cities in Silesia, so the more, the merrier, and the more relevant results:) stay tuned for more info.