October 19, 2008

Let's pick it up from here

So I'm in Poland, for almost one month now. Having surpassed the crappy parts that any major change involves (confusion, moving in and out and in and out, fixing the internet connection), having discovered by now the really cool parts that any major change involves (the beautiful people, the sweet satisfaction when things start going the way they should), I say we pick up the pieces from here:
  • I go to school. Almost on a daily basis, Fridays are off because... well, Fridays are somewhat of a weekend, right? Oh, and also Tuesdays, they bring bad luck, so I'd rather focus on indoor activities. For the rest of it, I take Polish language classes, Theory of Literatue and a Linguistics course, which is my totally favourite, since it deals with the tendencies in contemporary language, most common mistakes, trends and rules.
  • I go to work. This is my parallel universe. Firstly, I've seen my dream come true. Yaay, I work in a bar. Actually, I work in a tent. Which is one of the coolest bars I've ever seen - and by now I do have some experience. It's in the forest. Everybody knows everybody. By now, everybody knows me and I know everybody. I've learnt how to prepare hot beer with honey, parpika and cinnamon.
  • I've (somewhat) lost my sense of fashion, didn't lose interest - hope this doesn't really happen. The main reason, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. It's f***ing cold. So I wear about half of my wardrobe, daily. I pretty much look like Yeti's offspring, dressed up as a cabbage. And it's only October.
  • I've been writing. A lot. More than ever in the past few years. And I'm pretty content with the result. Although it's a long way to the final result, but I can see it coming.
  • I have some other projects. Again, I probably took a bite bigger than I can chew. But luckily there's enough energy to keep me on track.
I'll be back shortly. Now off I go to do some studying and get ready for another day at the office :)


Anonymous said...

Hope ur in town at Christmastime - planning to swing the bus over your way and try some of that hot beer with honey, paprika and cinnamon...

Glad things have picked up!


Ruxandra said...

Piwo grzane, coming up :) Najlepsze na chlodne dni. And take my word for it, Christmas time will be particularly cold in the tent. Looking forward to seeing the bus park outside!