January 1, 2012

My one and only resolution

Happy New Year!
I spent most of my day reading some wonderful posts, skimming through the books I carried with me after a short and lovely trip back home, drinking coffee and thinking about my resolutions for 2012. 
I'm a natural born planner and a bit of a control freak, with just a hint of neurosis - I like lists, excel tables, deadlines (I take comfort in knowing they're there, even though I hardly ever meet them), agendas, getting things done and planning ahead. I have a rather clear picture of what my priorities are this year, of my main goals and objectives and the steps I need to take in order to achieve them and I'm quite satisfied knowing it's all written down, accompanied by a well defined timeline. 
Aside from my many plans, I only have one resolution this year: learn to keep my mouth shut.


Anonymous said...

That would be such a shame - express yourself!

Ruxandra said...

Haha, what I meant was I have to learn to keep my mouth shut in certain situations and with certain people if I don't want any surprises. And besides, you know me well enough to know I'm only half serious about it - I couldn't learn that even if I really wanted to :)