September 17, 2009


Every now and then, I enjoy a good crappy movie, that does not require any kind of contribution or implication or interpretation. Sometimes, I even like them more than I'm ready to admit. That's why I'm not going to give any titles or even any clues about the latest good crappy movie I've seen, as it seems to have had quite a strong influence upon the deepest darkest layers of the self. But because lately these deepest darkest layers have sent me all sorts of signals, I couldn't help but remember the movie.
The weird dreams are back. As if my life wasn't complicated enough. Sleep is hardly relaxing, resembling hallucinations. Every morning I need a few seconds to remember where I am and why. I can't rest, I can't breathe normally, and because during the day I'm too busy to have time for panick attacks, I think I have them in my sleep. The nights are greenish-bluish-blackish, shady and noisy, and when I do manage to crawl out of bed I'm relieved to discover it was just (another) bad dream. However, two nights ago, there was a malfunction in the current pattern. I had a totally Disney dream. It was still greenish, but the green was nice and comforting. We were barefoot (the hippie-nightmarish dimesnion of the dream), the grass was wet and it sparked as if sprinkled with diamonds. And we were dancing salsa.
I still feel like dancing. Once my life is back on track and all the checklists checked, I'm determined to take dancing seriously. Ready to go pro :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to balance thinky and crappy! I just watched 'waking life' but I liked (the original) 'inglorious bastards' better. I don't know what that says, and i don't care :-)