January 4, 2010

Don't drink and write. A gender issue

A reputable Romanian publishing house has initiated a series of anthologies about first times. The idea is praiseworthy, since our literature is not really abundant with collective projects and it was about time somebody gave a shot at gathering in one book some of the most important writers of the moment. Also, choosing "firsts" of all sorts as topics for the anthologies is a funny and light approach which might prove to be a good strategy in gaining readership. Three titles are out: My first pair of jeans, My first disappointment in love and My first time getting drunk. I'm not going to comment upon the names chosen for the experiment - as any selection, it had to leave out some names while picking others I'm not sure were supposed to be there. Anyway, what I do find irritating, although I am not surprised, is that there is not a single woman writing about the first time she got drunk. Drinking bouts are definitely a topic for guys to cover.
So now I'm wondering if indeed none of the women in contemporary Romanian literature ever got drunk, or if they can only write about love and clothes or if it is in our cultural DNA to sweep the trash under the mat and refuse to talk, or write, about things we find inappropriate. Maybe getting drunk is not what we'd expect of our female authors, even though we have no problem with guys doing it and coming up with a story that's worth publishing afterwards, but what about the right to fictionalize?
I wouldn't have thought less of a woman writer admitting it did happen once or twice and telling a smart, uninhibited and funny story about it. Apparently, the editor would have.


Chuckie said...

You sort of spoiled it for me. I got the one with the jeans as a gift last month (boy, that brought back some jeans memories...) and was planning on buying the one with drinking and actually wondered which women wrote... So now I know.

Ruxandra said...

Sorry, kid. Didn't mean to spoil the fun :) and anyway, the book might still be good, regardless of this minor issue. And speaking of jeans and drinking and love disappointments, I think high school provides enough material for an anthology of our own :)

Chuckie said...

now there would be a really great book to write... and read!