October 30, 2009

Girl stuff

Imagine packing all your stuff not in a suitcase, but in a coffin. And not in a funny-morbid way, in true Halloween spirit. A simple smear test could help you avoid this highly possible scenario.

Lately, this ad has taken over Warsaw. Yes, it's a very powerful statement, it's shocking and scary. But it's sure to spread its message and reach its target. Because it speaks about something that's indeed shocking and scary and which we tend to disregard, thinking "it can't happen to me". Well, it can happen to any of us. Every day, in Poland, 5 women die from cervical cancer. In Romania, 6. If we were more aware, if better informed, we'd know it can be cured. And if we were scared enough, before it was too late, we'd do something about it. Before we started packing.

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